Even after fifteen years nothing came even close to LOTR, let alone overthrow it from the throne of the genre. Not only it is blasphemy to say that Warcraft is better or equally good, but they are beyond any comparison. However good this movie is it is not worthy to be even compared to LOTR. But they call it The Lord of the Rings for the new generation. It needs at least three hours, or even two movies for this part of the story to be told right. But even just introduction to this world can not fit in only two hours. Fact that movie feels incomplete is acceptable, cause it is obvious this is just the base for movies that will follow and this franchise looks very promising. The only thing that somewhat bothered me was that two hours is not nearly enough to tell this story proper. But I am fan of epic fantasy and it's my favorite genre. I played the game occasionally, but I never gave too much thought to it nor read anything related to this lore, so I'm not competent to say if movie is faithful to original story or not. To begin with, I have to say I'm not Warcraft fan.